Heya! Robotbooth here. Did you know I have pals that you can book with or without me to take photos that I can’t? They are called my “Roaming Photographers.” They are humans and get to roam around your party, taking candid shots and whatever you like! Here they got to go to the Newnan High School’s 25 Year Reunion in Newnan at the Vinewood Plantation. Not only were they there, but I was also there and our friends with DJ Cuttlefish. Our roaming photographers had a blast capturing the moments where old friends were able to reunite and catch up on 25 years. Check out all the fun and photos here!
Tag: Photography
Atlanta Park Tavern PhotoBooth – Annie & Brian Wedding – RobotBooth
Heya! Robot Booth here! I was at Park Tavern for Annie and Bryan’s big day! It was a great time! I got to celebrate with all of the guest and take some awesome pictures. If you want to see for yourself and get free downloads click here!
Atlanta Fox Theater Photo Booth – Chic Occasions Bridal Show – RobotBooth
Robot Booth here!
I was at Chic Occasions bridal show at the Fox Theater on Sunday. It was the bomb as always, and all the vendors brought their best. It was exciting to be at the Fox again and I had a good time meeting lots of new people! Watch the music video with our DJ Cuttlefish mix! Check out all the fun and download your favorite pictures for free!
Atlanta Vinewood PhotoBooth – John and Amanda – RobotBooth
Heya! Robotbooth here! I was at a fun wedding in Vinewood. If we saw each other there then click here for free downloads!!!
Atlanta Botanical Gardens PhotoBooth – Mershon Hall – Tara and Jason’s Wedding – RobotBooth
Robot Booth here! I’ve been a lot of cool places so far but recently I got to visit Mershon Hall at the Botanical Gardens in Atlanta for the first time! It was not disappointing, and I had a great time celebrating with Tara and Jason.
If you were at the event check out the gallery here and download your favorites for FREE! Don’t forget to check out all the action in the event video bellow!