Our company motto is Hakuna Matata which means we don’t fuss over the silly stuff – like time. We don’t sell packages of 2 hours, 4 hours, etc. The last thing you (and we) want is for your photo booth to be packing up and leaving before your event is even over like we’ve seen our competitors do (or to be charged extra for ‘overtime’).
Instead, all of our packages are Unlimited Time so you can leisurely enjoy your event without worrying about every little minute.
Yep, you read right – unlimited time. This means we stay at your party as long as your party lasts.
If your original schedule says the event will be over at 10 pm but 10 pm hits and you’re having too much fun and decide to continue partying past? No big deal! Just let us know you’d like us to stay. We’re there – why would we go anywhere? It’s not like our Robots die after hours.
Disclaimer: Unlimited time means up to 9 consecutive hours with one set up location.
Are you ready for an Unlimited Experience?
Contact Us!
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