All PhotoBooths - Birthdays, Reunions, Etc.

Atlanta Ivy Hall PhotoBooth – Steven & Corey’s Wedding – RobotBooth

Heya! RobotBooth here! I was recently at Ivy Hall in Roswell for Steven and Corey’s wedding. If you want to check out all the pictures and get some free downloads click here! And watch yourself in this groovy music video!

Peace Out!

– RobotBooth, the grooviest PhotoBooth in Atlanta and all the Galaxies 😉

7-12-14 dd atlanta ivy hall photobooth - steven & corey's wedding  - robotbooth0019 copy7-12-14 dd atlanta ivy hall photobooth - steven & corey's wedding  - robotbooth01297-12-14 dd atlanta ivy hall photobooth - steven & corey's wedding  - robotbooth01317-12-14 dd atlanta ivy hall photobooth - steven & corey's wedding  - robotbooth01927-12-14 dd atlanta ivy hall photobooth - steven & corey's wedding  - robotbooth0464